📚 Books


Assorted books I read

I used to take many notes on books I read. I don’t do that anymore. Reading was a complicated procedure and less leasure. Now, that I just pick and read, it’s much more joyful. So here are notes which I’ll likely never do again for more books.

Book Author Notable Notes
Why Nations Fail Acemoglu and Robinson 🔭 Summary
Fooled By Randomness Taleb 🔭 Summary
Metamorphosis Kafka 🔭 Review
Letters from a Stoic Seneca Summary
Poor Charlie’s Almanack Charlie Munger Summary
7 Powers Helmer 🔭 Summary
How will you measure your life Christensen Summary
Range Epstein 🔭 Summary
Cribsheet Oster Summary
The Art of Statistics Spiegelhalter Summary
East of Eden Steinbeck ⭐️
Grapes of Wrath Steinbeck ⭐️
Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance Pirsig
The Little Book of Common Sense Investing Bogle
Benjamin Franklin: An American Life Isaacson
Brave New World Huxley ⭐️
The Count of Monte Cristo Dumas ⭐️
War and Peace Tolstoy ⭐️
The Adversary Carrère ⭐️
Seven Brief Lessons on Physics Rovelli
Flatland Abbott 🔭
How to Take Smart Notes Ahrens 🔭
The Myth of Sisyphus Camus
The Stranger Camus ⭐️
Crime And Punishment Dostoevsky ⭐️
Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life Finnegan 🔭
Radical Candor Scott 🔭
Never Split the Difference Voss 🔭
The Hard Thing About Hard Things Horowitz 🔭

Notable books will have either a 🔭, which means they added new perspective or tools to my thinking, or a ⭐️, which means thatI find the book a work of art worth experiencing. I keep track of books I want to read in the future through my goodreads profile.